Learn From Home Enrichment Assignments
1. Assignment 1 03/23/20 to 03/27/20 (Handwritten Journal)
2. Assignment 2 03/30/20 to 04/03/20 (Toilet Tube Challenge)
3. Assignment 3 04/06/20 to 04/10/20 (on-line Portrait)
Country Facts
More Country Facts
Kids World Travel
National Geographics
Famous People
Translate Hello & Good Bye
1. Color Patterns
2. Which comes next?
3. Make your own Pattern
4. Patterns with Sounds
5. Fun with Face Symmetry
Insects & Bugs
1. Build a Bug
1. Animal Homes
2. Who lives here?
3. Draw that Habitat
4. Build Yourself Wild
Word Safari
Plants – On-line Quiz
1. What are plants?
2. Helping Plants Grow Well
3. Label Parts of the Plant
4. Label Parts of the Plant (2)
5. Photosynthesis
6. Plant Defenses
1. Germination
2. Nutrients
1. Pumpkin Pumpkin (Seed Cycle)
Living Organisms
6 Kingdoms of Classification
1. Kingdom of Animals
2. Bacteria
3. Protists
4. Fungi
5. What is a Cell?
6. Animal Cell
7. Plant Cell
Third Grade
Practice PARCC
1. Practice Grade 3 ELA/Literacy
1. Locate Yourself on a Map
2. Practice using a Compass Rose
3. Label Continents
U.S. Government
1. Welcome to U.S. Government
2. Symbols of the U.S. Government
Statue of Liberty
1. Information on the Statue of Liberty
2. History on the Statue of Liberty
3. Statue of Liberty Fun Facts
U.S. States
1. The 50 U.S States
2. Kids Gov
3. U.S. Fact Monster
4. U.S Geography
5. U.S. State Games
6. Play and Learn the 50 States
Fourth Grade
1. Thomas Edison
2. Benjamin Franklin
3. Harriet Tubman
PowerPoint Presentations