Student’s Pledge for Digital Citizenship
I will remember that not all people have access to or utilize technology in the same way. I will not treat others differently if they do not have the same options.
I will tell my parents or an adult right away if I come across any information that makes me feel uncomfortable. I understand that to have technology rights that I have to be responsible in my actions as well.
I will tell my parents if I experience any pain or discomfort when using technology. I will remember that I need to balance technology use with other activities.
I will not respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make me feel uncomfortable. It is not my fault if I get a message that is not appropriate. If I do I will tell my parents or an adult right away.
I will follow the computer lab rules at school and only go to sites that have been approved by Ms. Nikki.
At home I will talk with my parents so that we can set up rules for making purchases online. We will decide upon if and when online purchases can be made and secure sites for me to use.
I will treat others the way that I wish to be treated when using technology. I will keep in mind that my technology use affects others.
I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possibly hurt our computer or jeopardize my family’s privacy.
I will be a good online citizen and not do anything that hurts other people or is against the law.
I will help my friends and my family understand how to have fun and learn things online and teach them things about the Internet, computers and other technology.
Adapted from the brochure Child Safety on the Information Highway by Lawrence J. Magid.
What is Copyright?

Elementary Citation Guidelines
Students need to give credit for the resources they have used, even in elementary school. Here are some guidelines for elementary school students.
For Grades 1&2
- Name of author.
- Title of the book (Italicized).
Joanna Cole. The Magic Schoolbus.
Print Encyclopedia Article
- Name of the article.
- Name of the encyclopedia (Italicized).
Tiger. The World Book Encyclopedia.
Online Encyclopedia Article
- Name of the article.
- Name of the encyclopedia (Italicized).
- Online
Turtle. The New Book of Knowledge. Online.
For Grades 3&4
- Author’s name—last name first.
- Title of book (Italicized)
- Copyright date.
Landau, Elaine. Sea Horses. 1999.
Print Encyclopedia
- The article in quotation marks.
- Title of the encyclopedia (Italicized).
- Copyright date.
“Washington, George.” The World Book Encyclopedia. 1999.
Online Encyclopedia
- The article in quotation marks.
- Title of the encyclopedia
- Date you visited the website.
- Online.
“Washington, George.” The New Book of Knowledge. 12 Dec. 2008. Online.
Internet Article
- Name of the author, if you can find it—last name first.
- Title of article in quotation marks.
- Title of home page, if you can find it (Italicized).
- Date you visited.
- First part of the http address in brackets ([ ]).
Arnett, Bill. “The Moon.” The Nine Planets. 5 May 2001. [].
“Cheetah.” Cheetah Spot. 8 Aug. 2005. [].
For Grade 5
- Author
- Title of book (Italicized).
- City of publication:
- Publisher, date of publication.
Cohen, Daniel. America’s Very Own Ghosts. New York: Doubleday,
Print Encyclopedia
- Author of article, if available.
- Title of article in quotation marks.
- Title of book (Italicized).
- Date of edition.
Eiselen, Malcolm R. “Franklin, Benjamin.” The World Book Encyclopedia.
“France.” Compton’s Encyclopedia. 1989.
Magazine Article
- Author, if available.
- Title of article in quotation marks.
- Magazine title (Italicized) date: page.
Gambino, Megan. “Spirit of the Sea.” Smithsonian September 2008: 34.
Online Encyclopedia
- Author, if available.
- Title of article in quotation marks.
- Name of encyclopedia (Italicized)
- Name of publisher, date of publication, if available.
- Date of visit.
- Online
Detcham, Ralph. “Franklin, Benjamin.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.
7 July 2005. Online.
Internet Article
- Name of the author, if you can find it—last name first.
- Title of article in quotation marks.
- Title of home page, if you can find it (Italicized).
- Date you visited.
- First part of the http address in brackets ([ ]).
Arnett, Bill. “The Moon.” The Nine Planets. 5 May 2001. [].
“Cheetah.” Cheetah Spot. 8 Aug. 2005. [].